State House District 64 Republican primary candidates state their views

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Jason Gearhart

Doug Wolfe

State House District 64 Rep. Anne Osmundson, a Republican, is not seeking re-election. Two Republican challengers, Jason Gearhart and Doug Wolfe, are facing off in the June 4 primary to be on the general election ballot in November. The candidates recently shared their thoughts about key issues with Times-Register reporter Willis Patenaude. Visit for more info on primary candidates and when and where to vote.

Jason Gearhart

Jason Gearhart was born and raised in northeast Iowa, growing up on a farm outside Dundee that his great-grandparents and grandparents farmed and his dad currently farms. He graduated from West Delaware and, following military service, earned a bachelor’s degree in public administration.

Gearhart now lives in Strawberry Point with wife Kayela, who is a fourth grade teacher at Starmont, and their kids, Jayden and Kendyl, who are both middle school students at Starmont.

“Much of my adult life has been dedicated to some form of service. I served in the Army for five years, stationed in South Korea and Washington, D.C. metro area as a military police officer and investigator,” Gearhart said. “I have served as a board member of the Strawberry Point Chamber of Commerce. While on the chamber, I was the event coordinator for our town’s annual Strawberry Days Festival in 2022 and 2023. For the past five years, I have coached youth basketball and am also the middle school girls basketball coach at Starmont.”

Gearhart was elected to the Strawberry Point City Council and has served in that capacity for three and a half years. He was also elected to the Starmont School Board and Clayton County Republican Central Committee. 

Why are you running for Iowa House of Representatives District 64?

I have been a bit disappointed in some of our state’s leaders over the last few years. I was not thrilled about the way our state handled Covid and how the governor used the emergency powers. I want someone representing our district that is from rural Iowa, someone that chose to stay here, someone that chose to raise their family here and someone that will take rural Iowa’s values like being ethical, having strong morals, common sense and unwavering integrity to Des Moines.

What three issues are the most important to your campaign and why?

Supporting Iowa’s farmers and ag industry. Agriculture is very important to our state and has had a major impact on my life. Farm life taught me the importance of being a good steward of the land, having conservative values, taking pride in working hard and the meaning behind giving someone your word and a handshake.  

Supporting our rural schools. Like many Iowans, I am the product of our state’s public education system. One of the biggest concerns I have for small rural districts is that they will be forced to consolidate into larger rural districts as student populations decline and teacher shortages continue.

Defending your God-given rights. I was 19 years old when I raised my right hand and swore an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution. Twenty-two years later, I am still proud to honor that oath. Elected officials must be held accountable when they are caught trampling on our rights.

What issues facing District 64 specifically is your campaign focused on and why?

It is very important that our district representative supports homegrown businesses. This is important to me because I want our area youth to have economic opportunities here in our district to want to stay/come back home after high school/college.

After speaking with several area police chiefs/sheriffs, their message was consistent and clear. There is a mental health crisis in Iowa and they are looking for help. If I am elected as your next state legislator, I will work with area police agencies to come up with solutions for this issue to ensure their safety and the safety of those experiencing mental health issues. 

In what ways is your campaign focused on rural sustainability within District 64?

Like I mentioned above, we need to support our area businesses that are employing the folks in our district. As most people in the state would probably agree, northeast Iowa is the most beautiful part of our state. As your state representative, I will be an advocate, supporting these local enterprises as well as promoting tourism so more and more people can see all of the wonderful things District 64 has to offer.

What is your position on recent legislation that has passed, including the school choice bill, the AEA Bill and SF 2340?

I 100% agree that parents should have the right to choose where their kids go to school. That being said, I also fully believe that public tax dollars should stay with public schools and not be given to private schools. 

I am all for saving money wherever we can. I believe the verdict is still out on whether the AEA bill will be a net positive or negative, as we haven’t yet experienced its effect. As a school board member, I have heard the concerns from our superintendent and I am concerned that this bill will impact our smaller rural districts the most. I am optimistic, but will be watching this closely as it is fully rolled out over the next couple of years to see how our area schools are impacted.

Iowa has a duty to protect its citizens. It is imperative that Iowa does its part to curb the flow of illegal immigrants in our state. If we do not, the level of services the state can provide to our legal citizens is diminished.  

If elected, what are some goals you want to accomplish during your term?

To keep our constituents’ tax burden as low as possible while still providing quality services to Iowans, to represent all Iowans equally regardless of political affiliation and to work with law enforcement/other frontline agencies to develop a plan to address mental health issues in our state.

Why should people vote for you?

Being elected to the Strawberry Point City Council and Starmont School Board, I am well aware of how important it is to be fiscally responsible. With tight budgets, sometimes hard decisions need to be made to keep budgets under control. 

As a servant leader, all of the decisions I make as an elected official are for the benefit of the many and not just the few. Many times, I have been the lone voice of reason when questioning frivolous spending or bad policy. I was the lone vote of opposition to Strawberry Point speed cameras after hearing from many of my fellow citizens that they were against them. I will continue to question things I don’t understand or that I disagree with to ensure your tax dollars are being spent responsibly.

Final comments?

I am grateful to everyone that has supported, reached out to me and offered guidance along the way. I would appreciate your vote on June 4 (or before if you can’t make it on election day). Your vote matters; make it count on June 4. 


Doug Wolfe

Doug Wolfe was born in Cedar Rapids and is 62 years old. He graduated from Washington High School, then attended Kirkwood Community College. He has  several certifications and a bachelor’s degree from Life Christian University. In 1981, Wolfe married Julie deNeui, who is a surgical nurse. Together, they have four children and 15 grandchildren. 

Wolfe has created several businesses since 1983, including dental studios, landscape companies, sporting good stores, food establishments and real estate companies. He and Julie are also co-founders of Marriage Minded Ministries. Since 2016, Wolfe has been a campaign manager and advisor to candidates seeking federal office.

“I have spent most of my life in District 64 hunting, fishing and spending time with my family. My first business was in Marquette in 1983, followed by other businesses in Clayton and Allamakee counties. I consider this area to be ‘Heaven on Earth,’” Wolfe said.

Over the years, Wolfe has volunteered on the family farm and been involved with different school districts, Head Start, Elkader EMS, food banks and the American Legion and served as a board member of AAL. 

Why are you running for Iowa House of Representatives District 64?

As many of us, I’m tired of the tyranny the federal government is forcing on Iowans. From education to transgender care, to illegal immigration. It’s important to care for the people, but we don’t have to accept what the federal government is forcing us to believe.

What three issues are the most important to your campaign and why?

America first! Stop sending money overseas. Almost 80% of the people believe the money has to stop and I will be responsible to the people. Illegal immigration, stop the invasion of illegal aliens. There’s a proper way to become an American citizen. If they are unwilling to become an American citizen legally, then send them back to their country of origin. Lift all restrictions on gas exports, drilling, pipelines and returning America’s energy independence.

What issues facing District 64 specifically is your campaign focused on and why?

The right to life and education that life in the womb is a child, not just a mass of cells. Transgender education. This is a mental health issue and not a protected class. HSB 698. This bill is urgently needed for reliable, adequate and stable delivery of electricity to Iowans. Due to the Biden administration, we have lost two highly productive and efficient power plants that served this area. Recently, environmentalists have filed a lawsuit stopping the construction of the Cardinal-Hickory Creek Project that will provide electricity between Wisconsin and Iowa, affecting our district. This bill is urgent to assure Iowans reliable, safe and adequate energy in the future.

In what ways is your campaign focused on rural sustainability within District 64?

Supporting new farmer education and supporting sustainable farming practices. Finding incentives to help farmers yield more with lower costs. Supporting programs ranging from crop insurance to accessible healthy food for low-income families. Implementing a new Forest or Fruit Tree Reservation Property Tax Exemption and I’m anticipating legislation soon to ban laboratory produced meat in Iowa.

What is your position on recent legislation that has passed, including the school choice bill, the AEA Bill, and SF 2340?

I support the fight Anne Osmundson won to get the school choice bill passed. The AEA reform legislation gives schools better ability to teach healthy materials to students. Parental involvement is also key. Continued excellence in special education and the opportunity for changes if needed are also a substantial part of this legislation. I would have fought for better benefits to keep more money in the pockets of teachers. I stand with Senate File 2340, which outlines the penalties of illegal aliens coming to Iowa. Our president has the constitutional responsibility to protect our borders. Since he’s failed his responsibilities, it’s our duty to protect Iowa.

If elected, what are some goals you want to accomplish during your term?

If elected, I would like to support constitutional bills that protect and defend Iowans from federal government overreach and stop the attack on our children’s innocence. I would like to see legislation toward age appropriate healthy curriculum taught in schools, and I would like to see better support for Iowa renewable resources.

Why should people vote for you?

The only agenda I have is to represent the great people of this district and I guarantee their voice will be heard and acted on.

Final comments?

I am a true Christian Conservative with Christian values. It’s no longer a battle between Republicans and Democrats, the left or right. It’s now a fight between right and wrong, good and evil. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, and as stated in the constitution, we have God given rights. I believe it’s paramount to keep God in our capital to preserve those civil liberties. I have raised my children to be independent productive adults with children of their own. Now, I have the time and ability, and I feel it’s my duty to give the great people of District 64 the attention they deserve. Endorsed and supported by Anne Osmundson, the current state representative.

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