Editorial: Gun Control

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Scott Walker

By Scott Walker, M.D.


Happy New Year!  

As of Jan. 1, the U.S. Census Dept. estimated the population of the United States to be 341 million people.  But by 2023 we already had 500 million guns.  I’m not sure, but I think we’re putting out guns faster than babies these days.  Why?  I contend that there is no need to continue to manufacture or import firearms.  We have enough.

By “enough,” I mean that with more than two guns per household in Wisconsin, we are adequately defended in our homes against whatever lawlessness we may encounter.  By “enough” I mean that we will not be able to prevent all mass shootings, but we can reduce  the spontaneous ones by shrinking the availability of assault weapons.  By “enough,” I mean to put to rest the sad and weary argument that we are supposed to be able to “defend ourselves” against a tyrannic government.  To “defend ourselves” against the United States military, any group of malcontents would need mortars, stingers and javelin missiles, and I don’t see those for sale locally or being defended online.

Mind you, I’m not calling for bans on guns or classes of guns.  But we need to stop making or importing firearms now.  When there are more guns than people in this country, no one is going to propose taking away the guns that are already out there. By now, those who think they really need a gun have one or three.

I support gun buybacks, with the guns taken off the street then destroyed.  And I support the destruction of any firearm used in the commission of a crime.  And I’m willing to listen to all sides on the subject of bans on certain kinds of accessories (“bump stocks”) and ammunition (“cop killer”).  We are going to have deaths by gun violence and deaths by gun suicide for many years to come simply because the guns are here, and there is no quick way to get them out.  This is a generational problem. “The sins of the father,” as it says in Proverbs, will continue to carry repercussions for a very long time.

Some of you may agree with me that in time the U.S. will come to the conclusion, based on verifiable evidence, that an armed society is a dangerous place to live.  At that time we may make the decision, like most other developed nations, to reduce gun ownership.  This is not that discussion.  Let’s just not make the problem worse in the meantime.  For some, it may be more palatable to call for a “moratorium” on the manufacture and import of firearms, but I think it would be preferable to let the manufacturers know that they should move their equipment overseas, as we will no longer have use for it here.

Some reading this may agree, if only to put an end to “keeping up with the Jones.”  

“Gosh, if the average home has three firearms, we really ought to have an assault rifle,” you might be thinking.  I say no!  Help us bring about a ban on import and manufacture of firearms and watch your current investment increase in price, as fewer guns are offered for sale.  

And some reading this may think, “No way!  Not until I have my arsenal!”  In this case, please identify yourself to your local law enforcement agencies as someone who may someday go off the deep end.  And don’t worry.  Any law prohibiting the manufacture or import of firearms into the nation would require months of debate; plenty of time to get that shiny Winchester.

Remember, in 2023, the last year for which we have data, there were 46,728 deaths in the U.S. caused by firearms.  That’s more than the 41,000 who died in auto accidents and we have many more regulations on cars than we do on guns.  We need to take action on this problem.  Write to your legislators to insist that we stop manufacturing and importing firearms now.

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