Guttenberg Press

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Purple martins fly 4000 miles to Schiller St. apartment

Five purple martins keep a watchful eye on the camera from their apartment on Schiller Street in Guttenberg. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

Long-time River Park Drive business owner Barbara (Kann) Leitgen brought a request to last month’s park board meeting. She presented plans for a purple martin house, one she’d like to see in the park across from her building on the 500 block of South River Park Drive. 


Lavern F. Petsche

Lavern F. Petsche, 91, of Dyersville, died Sunday, May 24, 2015, at Stonehill Care Center in Dubuque after a brief illness.

Visitation was Wednesday, May 27, at the Kramer Funeral Home in Dyersville. 

Funeral services were Thursday, May 28, at St. Francis Xavier Basilica in Dyersville, conducted by Rev. Dennis Quint.

Burial was in St. Francis Cemetery.


Leonard H. Adams

Leonard Henry Adams, husband of Arleen Adams, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, in Houston, Texas at the age of 93.

Visitation and funeral services were Friday, May 29, at the Linwood Cemetery in the Mueller Memorial Chapel, Dubuque.

Military rites followed the service.

Arrangements were handled by Tuecke-Allyn Funeral Home of Guttenberg.


Public art display schedule

After spending time at River Park Place and two weeks at Rivers Edge Bakery in Guttenberg, on May 19 Walley, a traveling piece of public art, checked in at the Family Resource Center for the next two weeks. Walley is a 30"x80" recycled bottle cap fish mosaic that was created under the auspices of Umbrella Arts.

Next on Walley's travel agenda is Fidelity Bank and Trust, June 2-16;  Lockmaster's House Museum, June 16-30; Guttenberg Municipal Hospital, June 30-July 14, and Garments and Goods, July 14-28.  


Board approves salary increases

The Clayton Ridge School Board met in regular session on Thursday, May 14, at 7:00 p.m.    Members in attendance were Katherine Ihde, Janice Andregg, Mike Finnegan, Jason Reimer, John Heying and Christine Aulwes.  Jeff Hoffmann was absent. Also in attendance were Allan Nelson, Shane Wahls, Steve Hoff, David Schlueter, Mary Seifert, Louis Cook, Mindy Reimer and senior Jason Rolfe.

Rolfe demonstrated his final project in the computer applications class, which consisted of a Lego Mind Storm – Rubic Cube Solver. 


Nelson retirement open house

Community members are invited to honor Superintendent Allan Nelson at an open house on Thursday, May 28. Nelson is retiring after serving as the Clayton Ridge superintendent for 13 years. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

The Clayton Ridge School District will hold a public open house in honor of retiring Superintendent Allan Nelson on Thursday, May 28, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the elementary multi-purpose room. Nelson served as Clayton Ridge superintendent for 13 years, beginning July 1 of 2002 with his retirement becoming final this year on June 30. 

Nelson was born in DeKalb, Ill., and raised on a farm near the community of Sandwich. He graduated from Sandwich High School and attended Joliet Junior College while working on the family farm, then earned both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in agricultural education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  

After working for 15 years as an agricultural education and FFA teacher, Nelson  decided to earn administrative endorsements. For over two decades following those endorsements, he served as a principal and superintendent in three rural school districts, including Clayton Ridge.  

“During those years, my wife, Sheryl, and I raised two children, Matthew and Kimberly,” said Nelson. Sheryl is a high school English teacher in the Starmont Community School District, and both of the Nelson children graduated from Clayton Ridge High School.  “Matthew lives in Elkader and works for RISE Ltd. Kimberly completed her Bachelor of Arts in English at Buena Vista University and works for Stelter Company in Des Moines,” the superintendent told The Press. 

Challenges throughout Nelson’s tenure at Clayton Ridge include the declining enrollments and statewide budget cuts experienced by many rural Iowa schools, as well as the merger between Guttenberg and Garnavillo school districts, the closing of the Garnavillo elementary school building, and the recent defeat of a bond referendum to address the deteriorating 1903 school building and outdated facilities at the Guttenberg site.  


'Sit in the Scenery' sculpture project entries due June 15

Several sculptures have already appeared around town, including this set on River Park Drive from new resident Janice Adkins. Next door, Lori and Jeff Wallace are also participating in the project. To participate, sign up online at or pick up an entry form at the Welcome Center or Shepherd Gallery and Creativity Center. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

Artists, businesses, organizations, families, and individuals of all ages are invited to participate in a summer-long community sculpture project. This year's theme is "Sit in the scenery." Participants are encouraged to create unique seating that will provide opportunities for conversation, relaxation, and appreciation of the beauty of Guttenberg.

"Sculptures can be as simple as a painted chair,” organizers say, emphasizing that anyone can participate. Contest entries will be accepted until June 15 (an extension from the previous June 1 deadline), but community members are encouraged to help beautify the city and celebrate the season by displaying – and sitting on – these functional artworks throughout the summer, whether or not they choose to formally enter the contest.

For those who do decide to enter, there are two categories. The first, traditional sculpture, includes new or recycled materials constructed to resemble a chair, bench, swing, or other form of seating that can be enjoyed and used by the public. Sculptures should be weatherproof, as they will be displayed in outdoor locations around town until October.

The second category is altered seating, for which participants may use a pre-made chair, bench, swing, or other object designed for seating as the base of their project and then repurpose or decorate the sculpture creatively. 


George E. Kydd

George E. Kydd, 77, of Guttenberg, formerly of Marion, passed away Saturday, May 2, 2015, at Mercy Hospital, Dubuque. 

Visitation was Saturday, May 9, at Murdoch Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Marion.

Graveside services will be held at a later date. 


Megan M. Moser

Megan Marie Moser, 24, of Winfield, formerly of Colesburg, passed away on Sunday, May 17, 2015, from injuries sustained in a car accident.

Visitation was Thursday, May 21, at Leonard-Muller Funeral Home, Edgewood.

Funeral services were Friday, May 22, at Colesburg United Methodist Church, Colesburg, conducted by Pastor Joan Thomas and Pastor Allen Craft.

Internment was at Brown Cemetery, Colesburg.


Dr. George Auer

Dr. George Auer, 86, of Guttenberg, died Thursday, May 14, 2015, at the Guttenberg Care Center.

Visitation was one hour before services at the church.

Funeral services were Monday, May 18, at St. Mary's Catholic Church, conducted by Rev. Marvin Bries.

Inurnment was at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Guttenberg.

Arrangements were handled by Tuecke-Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg.
