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Active in Guttenberg A history of service for Order of the Eastern Star

Members of the Pearl Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in Guttenberg celebrated their 120th anniversary in 2013. Seated from left are Joanne Finch, Borghilde Tuecke, Mary Ford, Barnabetta Cline, and Joan Walke; standing, Dennis Hanna, Jan Solomon, Gayle Hanna, Kay Becker, Jim Solomon, Cindy Moser, Susan Horstman, Wayne Thiese, and Janice Thiese. (Photo submitted)

By Molly Moser

Editor’s note: This story is one in an ongoing series to highlight local groups and organizations that welcome members of the community and enhance our city’s culture. If you would like your group to be featured, please contact The Guttenberg Press.



Barge company sues Pattison

A fire last year at Pattison Sand in Clayton has led to a lawsuit filed against the company by a neighboring company seeking $500,000 in damages for contamination related to the fire.

Consolidated Grain and Barge Co. filed the suit last week in U.S. District Court for Northern Iowa. The company claims that smoke and soot from a July 2014 mine fire tainted grain, salt, fertilizer and ag chemicals that the shipping company had in storage. Following the fire, Consolidated Grain and Barge says it suffered financial losses due to damage assessment and disrupted shipments. According to the suit, the company submitted an itemized claim for damages to Pattison but has not been reimbursed.


City council acts on electric ordinance, sets garbage rates

By Shelia Tomkins

The Guttenberg city council at its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Dec. 7, moved forward  on an amendment to the city's electrical ordinance, lowered residential garbage rates, purchased a truck and plow, and reviewed the city workers’ union initial proposal for the coming year.

Mayor Russ Loven presided with councilmembers Jane Parker, Dave Schlueter, Fred Schaub and Virginia Saeugling in attendance, along with City Manager Mary Willett and City Attorney Mike Schuster.


Guttenberg Industries new home

Enjoying their new office space, located in Garnavillo are Guttenberg Industries founders Pat and John Ertl, left, with son Jim Ertl (back), daughter Deb Moser, son Tom Ertl, and president David Kreul. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

Guttenberg Industries, Inc. officially opened a new office in Garnavillo on Nov. 23, following the July groundbreaking on the 8,000 square foot structure. All departments are now located in Garnavillo, just a few steps from the 70,000 square foot factory.


Pattison rezoning request tabled for further research

Guttenberg Mayor Russ Loven was among many area residents who urged further research into the economic and environmental effects of additional frac sand mines at last Tuesday's planning and zoning commission meeting. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

Well over 60 people gathered in Elkader for a Clayton County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 8. The commission heard comments from Pattison employees and concerned property owners over the potential rezoning of land along Great River Road from agricultural to heavy industrial for the purpose of underground mining, processing, storing and shipment of silica sand and its byproducts. 


Thoma makes court appearance

By Pat McTaggart

Freelance Journalist

Brandon James Thoma, 25, of Pella was in the Clayton County Courthouse in Elkader for a hearing for an initial appearance on the charge of attempt to commit murder.  Judge John Bauercamper informed Thoma, who has applied for a court-appointed attorney, that his request will be forwarded to the Dubuque Public Defender’s Office.


Assessment provides clear look at downtown Guttenberg issues

From left are Emily Moser, GD&T Director, Lisa Oetken, a consultant from Main Street in Mount Pleasant, city manager Mary Willett, and Jim Engle, consultant and director of the Iowa Downtown Resource Center. Moser and Willett worked together to help coordinate the assessment with a team of consultants. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

A team of consultants gave Guttenberg a three-day downtown assessment last week, involving tours of the city, interviews with business owners and community members, and a reimagining of several downtown buildings. Jim Engle, director of the Iowa Downtown Resource Center at the Iowa Economic Development Authority, Lisa Oetken, Mount Pleasant Main Street Director, and Joe Lawniczak, design specialist with the Wisconsin Main Street program gave a public presentation on their findings and recommendations during the lunch hour on Thursday. 


Clayton Ridge Drill Team earns state championship titles

Triple honors for Clayton Ridge Drill Team The Clayton Ridge Drill Team earned State Champion titles in Small School Prop and Small School Military, as well as the Judges Choice Award for its Prop routine at the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team competition in Des Moines on Dec. 3. Front from left are Hailey Peterson, Kelly Hawkins and Noelle Hines; second row, Director Julie Rastetter, Taylor Palmer, Nicole Wahls, Calista Harbaugh, Ivy Aulwes, Nicole Schaefers and Natalie Domeyer; third row, Audi Zapf, Taylar Wiedner, Ashley Hawkins, Brianna Miller, Abrianna Moore, Chianne Behrend, Kaitlyn Kuehl-Berns and Assistant Director Sharon Keehner. (Photo courtesy of Candi Peterson)

The Clayton Ridge Drill Team returned home with three major state awards after competing on Dec. 3 at the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team competition in Des Moines.

The team earned state championship titles in Small School Prop and Small School Military, as well as the Judges Choice Award for its prop routine. There were three Judges Choice Awards chosen that day out of 336 routines.


McElroy grants schools broadcasting equipment

"Our goal with putting any technology device into the hands of students is that they become “producers” and not just “consumers," said Superintendent Shane Wahls. "I am grateful to the staff that wrote these grants so that we can provide students with even more opportunities to develop their 21st century skills." Pictured using laptops are, from left, Alyssa Hefel, Marissa Meyers, and Amanda Auer. (Press photo by Molly Moser)

By Molly Moser

Clayton Ridge Middle and High School students will soon be broadcasting live from their classrooms thanks to a grant from the McElroy Foundation via Keystone Area Education Agency. Instructors Cheri Werges, Mindy Reimer, and Nicole Shaw worked on grant applications to provide both campuses with equipment including a videocamera, interview microphone kit, sound mixer, teleprompter, floodlights, green screen, and all the associated cables. 


Downtown assessment visit planned for Dec. 1-2-3

By Shelia Tomkins

A three-day visit by a team from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center is underway in Guttenberg. 

The visit began Dec. 1 and will conclude Thursday, Dec. 3, with a final public presentation from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. in the city council chambers at the Guttenberg Municipal Building. The presentation will also be taped and live on Channel 6 so those who are working but cannot attend can benefit from the suggestions and ideas.
