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Student in custody following threat to MFL MarMac school administrator

MFL MarMac student William Carter was taken into custody Monday and charged with harassment after police uncovered a threat against a school administrator.

The public was notified of an issue at MFL MarMac Monday morning when superintendent Dale Crozier issued a release stating, “There is no current threat against the school. The situation has been handled. There is no lockdown today, but the school is always locked. There will be police presence as precaution only.”

Later Monday afternoon, Crozier released another statement, noting that his statement that there was no credible threat against the school held true throughout the event.


MFL MarMac third graders raise $400 to help families through Heifer International

Third grader Jaron Wille sells pencils to raise money to purchase animals for families in need through the nonprofit organization Heifer International. The third grade class raised $400 and was able to purchase a water buffalo, goat and hive of honey bees. (Submitted photo)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Several families in need from around the world will receive an animal from the nonprofit Heifer International thanks to MFL MarMac’s third grade class. The students recently raised $400 from a pencil sale to purchase animals through the organization, which, for nearly 70 years, has helped families fight hunger and poverty.

Heifer International’s goal is to bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to impoverished areas, as animals provide families with both food and a reliable income when items like milk, eggs or honey are sold or traded.


Schubert resigns from Monona Council

City proceeding with annexation request from Casey’s General Store


By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

The Monona Council approved the resignation of councilman Jason Schubert at its regular meeting April 18. In a letter to the city, Schubert, who has served on the council for nearly 2.5 years, said his position with his employer has changed, leaving him unable to continue fulfilling the requirements with the council. 

“I feel it is best for me to make room for someone with the time and energy to devote to the position,” he stated.


Scout raises, cleans Civil War headstones for Eagle Scout project

Boy Scout Nick Larson works on cleaning a Civil war veteran’s headstone in McGregor’s Pleasant Grove Cemetery April 16. He’s raising and cleaning over a dozen headstones as part of his Eagle Scout project. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Boy Scout Nick Larson was busy at McGregor’s Pleasant Grove Cemetery April 16, raising and cleaning over a dozen Civil War veterans’ headstones for his Eagle Scout project.

“Someone brought up the idea that Bob [Eggen] needed help here, and I thought it would be a nice project for the community,” Larson said. “It’s nice to honor those who served.”

In his 35 years managing Pleasant Grove, Eggen said this was the first time he could recall the headstones being raised and cleaned.


Public provides input on Medicaid

Area residents shared their thoughts on Iowa’s recent Medicaid privatization April 15, during a public meeting in Elkader with State Rep. Patti Ruff, of McGregor, and State Senator Joe Bolkcom, of Iowa City. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times 

Area residents shared their thoughts on Iowa’s recent Medicaid privatization April 15, during a public meeting in Elkader with State Rep. Patti Ruff, of McGregor, and State Senator Joe Bolkcom, of Iowa City.

“We’re here to hear your stories and give any updates,” Ruff said to start the meeting. “This is probably the biggest issue we’ve had to deal with on the health and human services side.”


Central piece of McGregor veterans memorial is in place

Hunter Jensen stands by the central piece of McGregor’s veterans memorial, which was placed in Cannon Park last week. Jensen completed the memorial for his Eagle Scout project. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

The main portion of the McGregor veterans memorial was erected last week in Cannon Park, following months of planning by McGregor Boy Scout Hunter Jensen, who completed the memorial for his Eagle Scout project. 

Jensen said this piece—an all-veterans memorial—signifies the entrance to the memorial. The plan is for other scouts or community members to eventually add stones—one for each branch of the military—around this piece, in a pentagon shape. 


Hilgerson says goodbye to the city of Marquette

Dean Hilgerson closed out his tenure as Marquette’s city manager last week, after holding the office since Dec. 2008. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Dean Hilgerson closed out his tenure as Marquette’s city manager last week, after holding the position since Dec. 2008.

When he was hired, Hilgerson noted, the council “wanted someone to direct capital projects, so I went with that.”

Since then, the city of Marquette has completed nearly $10 million in capital projects. Notable endeavors include the Bench stormwater project, ball diamond lights, the overlook and boardwalk, Driftless Area Wetlands Centre, the downtown project and the Edgar Street project, which is set to begin this summer. Hilgerson said he and former mayor Norma Mason also got the ball rolling, in early 2015, on the Bench emergency evacuation route.


Second and third graders speak about student advisory groups

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Nine MFL MarMac second and third graders presented to the school board at its regular meeting April 11, sharing about their experiences serving in the elementary school’s student advisory groups.

The groups, which allow students to take on leadership roles and provide input about activities and issues at school, was the idea of guidance counselor Kurt Gaylor. He came across the idea at a character conference last summer, where a group of high school kids from Dubuque shared about their own student advisory groups during a breakout session. He spoke with the students and weighed whether the concept could be used with younger kids.


Breuer, Eagle remain in office following Marquette special election

Marquette’s incumbent mayor Larry Breuer and incumbent council member Steve Eagle kept their positions after a close special election April 5.

Breuer won the mayoral race with 57 votes, defeating write-in John Winter, who received 47 votes. There were seven other write-in votes: six for Jason Winter and one for Ryan Young. Two years remain on the term. 

Eagle picked up 57 votes to win the council seat, which also has two years remaining. Write-in Ryan Young received 50 votes, while there were four other write-in votes: two for “Brian” Young, one for Jason Winter and one for Harlan Jones.

Registered voter turnout was roughly 36 percent, or 111 people.


Effects of Iowa’s Medicaid privatization hit close to home

Due to the privatization of Iowa Medicaid beginning April 1, 9-year-old Shaun Mohs, from McGregor, was unable to begin chemotherapy for a brain tumor on Wednesday at Mayo Clinic, as anticipated. On Sunday, Mayo Clinic said the Iowa Medicaid managed care organizations agreed to grant an exception for Shaun, allowing Iowa Medicaid to cover his treatments. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Last week, the North Iowa Times detailed the story of Shaun Mohs, a 9-year-old McGregor boy who is battling a brain tumor for the second time in his young life. 

The first was discovered in April 2009, when Shaun was just 2.5 years old. Doctors treated the tumor aggressively from May through October of that year, with chemotherapy killing it, explained Shaun’s mom, Misty Jones.

“It’s still there; it’s just dead,” she noted, adding that, in the proceeding years, doctors at Mayo Clinic in Rochester have routinely monitored the tumor to make sure it doesn’t grow.
